Sunday, January 1, 2017

Why Trekking in Everest Region in 2017

Trekking in Everest in 2017

Nepal is the world's most popular adventure destination for all kinds of trekking and hiking packages. Trekking to Everest Base Camp is lifetime adventure for all enthusiast hikers around the world. The stunning Himalayas, beautiful sherpa land, rhododendron forest and holy lakes, Hiking to Everest is being the world's top most walking adventure. Thousands of trekkers visit Everest Region every year who often visit Everest Base Camp as the lifetime amazing experience.

Everest Base Camp Trekking, Everest Gokyo Ri Trek, Everest panorama Trek are the most sellable Everest Region Trips of My Everest Trip. Here in this blog, we are listing some points which clarify that why you should visit Everest Region once in your lifetime.

To have real trekking experience: the trekking in Everest region, especially after the Lukla is like a highway and thousand of people trek in this trail every day more over the trekking in the area below the lukla is more amazing which starts from Jiri or Bhandara after a long day drive from Kathmandu, this is the traditional trekking trail to climb the Everest or to trek to the Everest Base Camp and it was one of the busy trekking trail before the airport in Lukla built, however after the airport in Lukla built then most of the people take flight from Kathmandu to Lukla and miss this amazing part of the area, the trekking trail on this route is still exits and only few people dare to trek in this part, however this part of the region is very beautiful plus best way to explore the rural Nepal , Local people, culture and lifestyle and nice landscapes.

So, we offer trekking from Jiri to Everest Base Camp for those have enough days to experience the real trekking in Nepal since you need at least 20 days time to complete the whole trail.

To reach the Everest Base Camp: the main propose to have trek in Everest region is to reach the Base Camp of the Everest, as the Everest is the highest peak in the world and not all the people can climb and reach the top of the peak more over any one who really have desire then it is not a problem to reach the Everest Base Camp, and still you can proud yourself that you are reached the Base Camp of the Top of the world.

Beautiful Holy Gokyo Lakes
The Everest Region have many beautiful lakes such as Gokyo Lake, the Lakes in the region is crystal clear and even you can see the shadow of the Himalayas in the lake, every one feel that they are in Heaven when they reach in this part of the region, these lakes are amazing. Everest Region  has many high passes such as Khumbi  la pass, Cho la pass and Renjo la pass, these passe are amazing trekking passes that you can have no where in the world so, if you are adventurer then trekking over these passes are probably the things that you are searching in your life.

To have climbing Experience:- The Everest Does not offer only the high peaks but also some trekking peak which probably you are looking to climb and gain experience to climb High mountains in future, the Region offers climb in Mera Peak, Island Peak, Lobuche Peak and many other peak to climb and we can combine your trekking in the region with visit to Everest Base Camp plus climb on these peaks as well.

To visit old traditional monasteries:
The Everest region offers many monasteries as most of the people live in the region are Buddhist and they follow the traditional way of life so, you can see the real traditional culture and lifestyle of the Sherpa in the region plus you can visit the famous monastery of Junbesi, Namche, Tengboche , Pangboche and numerous other chortens and monasteries in the region while you trek in the region.

To have the best Himalayan Views:
The Everest Region offers some of the world famous view point such as Kala Pattar and Gokyo Ri from where you can have Crystal clear view of the Mt. Everest and various other Himalayas, you will feel like you are in heaven while you are viewing those Himalayas from these view point.

Trek Everest with My Everest Trip
Everest Base camp Trekking 2017
Everest Base camp Trekking 2017 with My Everest Trip

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